Shocking Facts about Aluminum

May 24th, 2012 | Category: Shocking Facts

How am I Exposed to Aluminum? Aluminum is found virtually in all food, air, soil and water. It can enter the human body by intravenous infusions, by mouth and by environment. Aluminum is the most widely utilized non-ferrous metal. In 2005, the global production of aluminum was 32 million tons, exceeding the production of any […]

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Shocking Facts about Mold

May 24th, 2012 | Category: Shocking Facts

No matter who you are, or where you live, everyone needs to reduce the amount of mold and mildew in the air they are breathing in. If you smell a musty odor in your home or workplace, there is a good chance that it is probably mold or mildew. Of course, if you actually see […]

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Shocking Facts about Genetically Modified (GMO) foods

May 23rd, 2012 | Category: Shocking Facts

   “We are witnessing a massive corporate genocide – the killing of people for super profits. To maintain these super profits, lies are told about how, without pesticides and genetically modified organisms (GMOs), there will be no food. In fact, the conclusions of International Assessment of Agricultural Science and Technology for Development, undertaken by the […]

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Shocking Facts about Coffee

March 15th, 2012 | Category: Shocking Facts

It has been said that ‘America runs on coffee.’ Coffee beans have become one of the most valuable and highly traded commodities in the world. When we look at how huge of a role coffee plays in our everyday lives, we can begin to understand the importance of understanding how coffee effects your body, brain and overall […]

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Shocking Facts about Microwaves

March 15th, 2012 | Category: Shocking Facts

The microwave has become one of our modern societies most prevalent appliances. Nowadays, it is rare to even find a home without a microwave. For years we have enjoyed the convenience and efficiency of ‘lightly irradiating’ or ‘microwaving’ our foods, literally speeding up the molecules of our dinner and causing causing them to heat up as a […]

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Shocking Facts about Deodorant

March 14th, 2012 | Category: Shocking Facts

“Not a single cosmetic company warns consumers of the presence of carcinogens in its products.”~Dr. Samuel Epstein, MD – Environmental Medicine Specialist In today’s modern world, it is practically a personal requirement that everyone wears some type of deodorant on an everyday basis. Unfortunately, many companies producing these personal care products often put corporate profits […]

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Shocking Facts about Toothpaste

March 14th, 2012 | Category: Shocking Facts

Toothpaste can be found in the bathroom of almost every family in America. How many of us know exactly what these ingredients are and how they affect our body? In 1991, the Akron (Ohio) Regional Poison Control Center reported that “Death has been reported following ingestion of 16mg/kg of fluoride.” Only 1/10 of an ounce of […]

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Shocking Facts about Cosmetics

March 14th, 2012 | Category: Shocking Facts

Studies have claimed that women who apply make-up on a daily basis absorb around 5 lbs of chemicals in a single year. When you consider how often toxic chemicals and additives are used in these make up products that are applied to the skin and absorbed every single day we are just scratching the surface […]

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